Leroy Templeton


We found no record of Leroy Templeton serving in elected office in Indiana. Our database only focuses on state and federal offices, so it's possible they served at a different level, or in an office not currently in our database.


1890–U.S. House (District 9) LOST
General Election–Tuesday, November 4, 1890
Daniel W. Waugh*, Republican, 20,752 votes
Leroy Templeton, Democratic, 19,453 votes
Milton Hanson, Prohibition, 1,120 votes
Out of 41,325 votes casts, the margin of victory was 1,299 (3.15%)
1892–Governor LOST
General Election–Tuesday, November 8, 1892
Claude Matthews*, Democratic, 260,601 votes
Ira J. Chase (i), Republican, 253,625 votes
Leroy Templeton, People's (Populist), 22,017 votes
Aaron Worth, Prohibition, 12,960 votes
Out of 549,203 votes casts, the margin of victory was 6,976 (1.27%)
1904–Governor LOST
General Election–Tuesday, November 8, 1904
James Franklin (Frank) Hanly*, Republican, 359,362 votes
John Worth Kern, Democratic, 274,998 votes
Felix T. McWhirter, Prohibition, 22,690 votes
Matthew Hallenberger, Socialist, 10,991 votes
Leroy Templeton, People's (Populist), 2,065 votes
E. J. Dillon, Socialist Labor, 1,437 votes
Out of 671,543 votes casts, the margin of victory was 84,364 (12.56%)
In the 3 races for which we have results, Leroy Templeton had a record of 0-3. That includes a record of 0-3 in 3 general elections.