Ele Stansbury


Indiana House
Tippecanoe, Warren Counties
In office
Nov 5, 1902 to Nov 7, 1906

Party: Republican
Assumed: General Election
Attorney General
In office
Jan 1, 1917 to Jan 1, 1921

Party: Republican
Assumed: General Election
Left: Did Not Run
Ele Stansbury spent 8 years, 4 days in office in Indiana, all of it at the state level.


1914–Attorney General LOST
General Election–Tuesday, November 3, 1914
Richard McClellan Milburn*, Democratic, 266,663 votes
Ele Stansbury, Republican, 230,296 votes
Arthur G. Manning, Progressive (Bull Moose), 90,921 votes
Harry J. Valentine, Socialist, 21,667 votes
Mercer Brown, Prohibition, 14,035 votes
Frank Herder, Socialist Labor, 2,787 votes
Out of 626,369 votes casts, the margin of victory was 36,367 (5.80%)
1916–Attorney General WON
General Election–Tuesday, November 7, 1916
Ele Stansbury*, Republican, 336,979 votes
Evan Brown Stotsenburg (i), Democratic, 324,108 votes
Frank S. LaMont, Socialist, 21,591 votes
Tilghman E. Ballard, Prohibition, 15,742 votes
John H. Kingsbury, Progressive (Bull Moose), 4,486 votes
Henry Kuerst, Socialist Labor, 1,557 votes
Out of 704,463 votes casts, the margin of victory was 12,871 (1.82%)
1918–Attorney General WON
General Election–Tuesday, November 5, 1918
Ele Stansbury (i)*, Republican, 296,950 votes
Evan Brown Stotsenburg, Democratic, 247,116 votes
Phillip H. Doty, Socialist, 10,900 votes
WIlliam Gray Lake, Prohibition, 7,986 votes
Out of 562,952 votes casts, the margin of victory was 49,834 (8.85%)
In the 3 races for which we have results, Ele Stansbury had a record of 2-1. That includes a record of 2-1 in 3 general elections.